I am Valid

Published on 15 January 2025 at 08:41

I am Valid.

I am a being of light, love, and compassion. I am a child of God, and my thoughts, feelings, dreams, and desires are valid.

I am worthy of all the love and respect in the world.

I find the strength and power in my own voice, and I recognize the incredible value it has. There may have been times when I silenced my voice or considered my value to be less. Times when I have dampened my flame.

I am worthy of being heard, of being listened to, of being desired.

I have a responsibility to myself. I have a duty to myself. I see now that I, and I alone, take charge of my life and position.

I see that I must use my voice; nobody else can do this in my place. I speak out, I am heard.

I use my power to change the world. I enrich, enhance, and improve the lives of those who cross my path. I speak out, and my words carry power.


I have the experience to back up my words. I finding my place in the world, and I am grateful for my experiences. I am valid.

Haters can never stop me. I stand my ground and keep my nerve. I am worthy of the time of others.

Today, I know I am valid. I am worthy of having my ideas, thoughts, opinions, and desires heard and acknowledged.

I am valid just as I am.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I truly believe that I am enough, just as I am?
  2. How can I take steps to increase my confidence and assert my place in the world?
  3. How have I helped someone today?

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